Imagine a row of dominoes, each representing a small habit in your daily routine. At first glance, a single domino may seem inconsequential. However, when you push the first domino and set the chain reaction in motion, the cumulative effect becomes awe-inspiring. Similarly, small wins in the form of tiny habits create a positive domino effect in your life. These habits build momentum, creating a ripple of success that extends far beyond the initial action.We can often strive for instant gratification and monumental achievements, but it’s easy to overlook the transformative potential of small, consistent actions. The concept of “The Power of Small Wins” revolves around the idea that tiny habits, when cultivated and nurtured, can pave the way for significant and sustainable accomplishments over time. In this week’s Athena Insight’s blog post, I share ways to build habits that benefit you for long-term goals and how examples of tiny habits contribute to big results.